PhD Position (Promevendus) in Medieval Studies

The VIDI programme studies the phenomenon of glossed manuscripts in the Carolingian period. It sees marginalia as important witnesses of scholarly and scientific developments, essential for our understanding of intellectual life in early medieval Europe. It proposes three interrelated projects to explore the topic from three complementary angles, dealing with 1. scholarly genres and their interdependence; 2. leading centres of intellectual production and transmission; 3. the organisation of learning in a specific collection of manuscripts: the collection of Leiden University. The first of these projects will be carried out by the PhD researcher, the second by a postdoc researcher, the third by the project leader herself. The project will entail collecting and describing relevant research materials in the larger collections of early medieval manuscripts (the libraries of Munich, Paris, the Vatican, etcetera), but also mapping the observations onto their intellectual, cultural, and scholarly contexts. The PhD student is expected to: carry out the proposed research project take part in the activities of the research team present papers at international meetings, submit articles to peer-reviewed articles or collective volumes write a dissertation in English co-organise a symposium, and contribute to the publication of its proceedings.


The candidates must have: a Master’s degree in Medieval Studies, Classical Languages or an equivalent degree relevant to the project; excellent knowledge of Latin, thorough knowledge of disciplines relevant to manuscript research (paleography, codicology, good manuscript reading skills), proficiency in English, a working knowledge of German and French; the ability to conduct independent scholarly research within a team setting under supervision; good ICT skills and the willingness to experiment with newly developed tools for digital analysis; good communication skills.


The appointment will be available initially for 12 months. Upon positive evaluation, it will be extended with another 36 months (full-time). An appointment of 0,8 fte with according extension is negotiable. The preferred starting date for the project is 1 May 2011. The appointment must result in a dissertation at the end of the appointment. The salary starts at € 2,042.- in the first year and increases to € 2,612.- in the fourth year, based on a full-time appointment (scale P, Collective Agreement for Dutch universities), excluding 8% holiday pay and a 8,3% year-end bonus. We offer an extensive package of fringe benefits.

Congreso Internacional Tradición e innovación: nuevas perpectivas para la edición y el estudio de documentos antiguos

11-13 de noviembre de 2009
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC), Madrid (España)

Quienes deseen presentar una comunicación deberán enviar antes del 15 de junio de 2009 el formulario de inscripción y un resumen de un máximo de 4.000 caracteres. Todas las comunicaciones aceptadas y expuestas serán incluidas en las Actas del Congreso.

Las comunicaciones, sobre documentación española o americana, se organizarán en torno a los siguientes temas de interés:

– Recuperación del patrimonio histórico: fondos archivísticos inéditos
– La creación de corpus documentales electrónicos y de herramientas de explotación
– Los documentos como fuente de la investigación filológica y lingüística:
– Paleografía, Diplomática y tradiciones de escritura
– Grafemática, Fonología y Fonética
– Morfología y Sintaxis
– Lexicología y Semántica
– Tradiciones textuales y discursivas
– Sociolingüística y Pragmática

(Fuente: Infoling)