Romania in the Euro-Atlantic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Inter-connections [România în spaţiul euroatlantic: interferenţe culturale şi lingvistice],

Iaşi, Romania, 18–20 September 2019. The papers will be delivered in Romanian. You are warmly invited to send the title and abstract (at least 30 lines or more with a (basic) reference list) to the Organizing Committee to the address by 25 July 2019. Presentations should not exceed 30 minutes (including questions and debates). You will receive the decision of the Scientific Committee by 1 st August 2019.

TOPICS: The organizers of the symposium invite the participants to present scientific papers in a dialogue that can provide answers to the questions raised by the topic of the symposium, namely

the process of permanent change of the Romanian culture, the adaptation of modern forms to the traditional structures, the integration or the rejection of the latest influences by the Romanian norms and customs:

  • American and European cultural influences: to what extent and how they were
    assimilated in Romania after 1989;
  • the phenomenon of multilingualism;
  • cultural effects of globalization;
  • the preservation of the national identity in the context of Romania’s accession to the EU
    and of globalization;
  • the emigration of the Romanians and the socio-cultural and economic consequences of
    the demographic mobility (Europe, USA, Canada etc);
  • the situation of the Romanian language in the Romanian communities abroad (Europe,
    USA, Canada etc);
  • the situation of the Romanian language in the Romanian communities around Romania’s
  • the contemporary Romanian language: standards and use;
  • the role of diaspora in preserving the Romanian spiritual values;
  • the perception of the contact with other European cultural areas or across the Ocean in
    the Romanian literature;
  • the role played by the information technology and communications in the development of
  • the Internet: global information and communication;
  • on-line publications vs. print publications;
  • the Romanian mass-media from Romania and abroad: the promotion of the national
    values vs. imitation of foreign models;
  • strategies of promoting the historical, cultural and artistic heritage in Romania;
  • preservation of ancient customs vs. imported customs;
  • safeguarding the immaterial cultural heritage and its role in preserving the national

Simposio Traducción e identidad diaspórica: «Topos y Anthropos en el Discurso de la Rumanidad» (TID)

Alicante (España), del 12 al 14 de noviembre de 2009

Se espera la participación de la comunidad académica internacional, lectores de rumano de diversos países, jóvenes investigadores, miembros de la diáspora rumana cuyas pasiones e intereses profesionales se enmarquen dentro de cualquiera de las siguientes áreas temáticas de este simposio:
1. La dimensión cultural en la Traducción / Interpretación (desde o hacia el rumano)
2. Literatura rumana y comparada
3. Lengua rumana, lenguas en contacto, lingüística románica y lingüística contrastiva

Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 5 de octubre de 2009
Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: 15 de octubre de 2009

<small>Fuente: Infoling</small>