El Congreso de Lingüística General tiene una modalidad de participación, denominada «Presentación de planes de investigación», en la que en formato póster y en exposición oral los doctorandos pueden dar a conocer su plan de investigación de la tesis doctoral. Por otra parte, la cuota de inscripción para los estudiantes es de 80 euros, más reducida que la cuota general.
Si lo consideráis conveniente, animad a vuestros doctorandos para que presenten su investigación en el congreso, puede ser bueno para ellos en muchos sentidos. El plazo de envío de propuestas termina el 15/11/2015. Toda la información se encuentra en www.cilg2016.org
Etiqueta: lingüística general
Poste de Professeur des Universités en «Linguistique générale et dialectologie»
PR dialectologie – Fiche Galaxie
Full professor in «General Linguistics and Dialectology»
[official title: Professeur des Universités, see the information on Wikipedia:
• teaching : Department of Linguistics
• research: Laboratoire CNRS (UMR 7320) Bases, Corpus, Langage
progressive, starting at 2535 Euros per month
(after social contributions, before taxes)
· the job is published on the recruitment website of French higher education GALAXIE:
· deadline for application: March 30th
· job interview for shortlisted applicants: May 2015
· job starts on September 1st, 2015
· applicants must be habilitated (French: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR)
· applicants who are not habilitated or who are established in countries where this qualification does not exist undergo a specific application procedure that probes equivalent academic qualification; candidates in this situation, or candidates in need of any further information, please contact :
In France, work time is divided into 50% teaching and 50% research. Teaching duty is 192 hours a year (which comes down to around 6h a week during two 12 week semesters) and includes classes both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Both teaching and research are involved in the supervision of graduate work, namely of Ph.Ds.
Attached is the official job description that will be available on Galaxie, in French. Sufficient language skills in French are required since the successful candidate will have to teach in French. Also consider that administration and the job interview will be in French.
Ayuda postdoctoral
Borsa annuale per collaboratore scientifico (post-doc; 80%; Prof. Dr. M. Loporcaro)
La cattedra di Linguistica romanza – Linguistica storica italiana (Università di Zurigo; Prof. Dr. Michele Loporcaro) bandisce una borsa post-doc annuale (ambiti: linguistica computazionale, dialettologia italiana, linguistica generale), con impiego all’80%, a partire dal 1 gennaio 2015.
Invio delle candidature all’indirizzo renatarita.bernasconi[at]rom.uzh.ch entro il 15 novembre 2014.