Alberto Varvaro: Giornate di Studio

Filologia, Letteratura, Linguistica

Giornate di Studio su Alberto Varvaro

Nápoles, 2-3 de mayo de 2016

Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”

Programma Giornate Varvaro

Ponencias Giornate Varvaro

Formas simples y compuestas del pasado en español y otras lenguas

Formas simples y compuestas del pasado en español y otras lenguas

18-20 de septiembre de 2013

Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca

Los próximos días 18 a 20 de septiembre se celebrarán en el Aula Magna unas jornadas científicas sobre el uso de las formas simples y compuestas del pasado en español y otras lenguas.



XVII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románicas

XVII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románicas

Nancy, 15-20 de julio de 2013

Circular I del XVII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románicas


Summer School of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT)

WEEK 1 (13-17 June 2011)

09.00 – 11.00

Carlos Acuña Fariña: Aspects of the processing of agreement
Dirk Speelman: Statistics for (Corpus) Linguistics
Bart de Boer: Evolution of Language

11.15 – 13.15

Laurie Stowe: Comprehending Words in Context
Marc van Oostendorp: Phonology: The Key Ideas
Loretta O’Connor: Introduction to Phylogenetics for Linguists

14.15 – 16.15

Martin Haspelmath: The Nature of Morphosyntactic Universal
Kurt Feyaerts: Meaning in interaction
Liliane Haegeman: Main clause phenomena, the double asymmetry and locality

16.30 – 18.30

Martin Haspelmath: masterclass Topics in comparative morphosyntax
Laurie Stowe: masterclass Topic in Neuroimaging
Marc van Oostendorp:  masterclass Topics in Phonology and the Phonology-Morphology interface

WEEK 2 (20-24 June 2011)

9.00 – 11.00

Ad Backus: Usage-based approach to contact linguistics
Antal van den Bosch: Inducing Linguistic Knowledge from Statistical Machine Translation Systems
Volker Gast: Contrastive linguistics

11.15 – 13.15

James Walker: Analysing Linguistic Variation
Eric Reuland & Denis Delfitto: The state of the art in the syntax-semantics interface
Nigel Fabb: Language and Literature

14.15 – 16.15

Annick De Houwer: Bilingual First Language Acquisition
Paul Kiparsky: Morphology and its interfaces
Cleo Condoravdi: Semantics

16.30 – 18.30

James Walker: masterclass Topics in Sociolinguistic Variation and Change
Eric Reuland: masterclass Topics in syntax and in the syntax-semantics interface
Volker Gast: masterclass Topics in Contrastive Linguistics

Courses are two hours every day for five days, and can be taken for partial credit (without paper) or full credit (with submission of a paper after the course).


Participants are encouraged to present their research to teachers and fellow researchers in the form of a poster on Monday evenings (June 13th and June 20th. 8.30 pm).

There is no need to make a completely new poster if you have one available from a prior event! If you wish to participate, please make sure that you mark the poster option on the registration form.

A presentation certificate will be issued after the poster session.


In each week of the Summer School, there will be a welcoming reception and a restaurant dinner. The venue also offers several leisure and sporting facilities. Please bring your sporting clothes and favourite music with you. More information can be found at the website.

During the weekend in the middle of the Summer School, there will be a social program for the participants registered for both weeks.


Graduate students of the partner institutes of LOT can participate free of charge (tuition fees and accommodation). For other participants the tuition fees are € 175 for one week and € 300 for two weeks.

Accommodation (including breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks and dinner) at the Summer School venue is offered for € 40 per person per night.

Participants who are not staying at the Summer School venue will be charged € 100 per week for lunch and refreshments during the coffee breaks.


Registration is open till May 13th 2011.


The LOT school is being organized at La Foresta, a conference centre just outside Leuven (about 7 kilometers) in the middle of a forest. Leuven is a historical university town located 26 kilometers east of Brussels and is well connected with the rest of Belgium and neighboring countries.

From Brussels International Airport there is a direct train shuttle service to Leuven, which takes about 15 minutes. From the Leuven railway station, you can easily take a bus or a taxi to the venue.

Charleroi Airport («Brussels South») has a lot of RyanAir flights. From Charleroi there is a bus service to the railway station Brussel Zuid (Bruxelles Midi). From Brussels there are direct trains to Leuven (approx. 30 mins). You can consult the NMBS website for timetables.

Information about La Foresta can be found on the website.



Henriette E. de Swart (Utrecht)


Ivana Brasileiro (Utrecht)
Postal Address:

Kris Heylen (LOT 2011)
Faculty of Arts – Department of Linguistics
Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 Box 3308
3000 Leuven

Telephone: +32 16 324765
Fax: +32 16 324767

Email (registration and course related materials)
Email (local affairs)

2011 LOT Summer School

Leuven (Belgium), 13-24 June, 2011


The school provides introductory and advanced graduate training in linguistics, with 18 courses in different domains, spread over two weeks. Courses are two hours per day, for five days, and can be taken for partial credit (without paper) or full credit (with submission of a paper after the course). The course syllabi and timetable will soon be available on this website and on the website of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. We already list the course subjects and their teachers

WEEK 1 (13-17 June 2011)

Syntax: Liliane Haegeman (Gent)
Psycholinguistics: Carlos Acuña Fariña (Santiago de Compostela)
Statistics: Dirk Speelman (Leuven)
Language evolution: Bart de Boer (University of Amsterdam)
Neurolinguistics:  Laurie Stowe (Groningen)
Contrastive Linguistics: Volker Gast (Jena)
Philogenetics: Loretta O’Connor (Radboud, Nijmegen)
Typology: Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig)
Language Use: Kurt Feyaerts (Leuven)

WEEK 2 (20-24 June 2011)

Semantics: Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford/Konstanz)
Phonology/Phonetics: Marc van Oostendorp (Leiden)
Computational linguistics: Antal van den Bosch (Tilburg)
Bilingualism: Ad Backus (Tilburg)
Sociolinguistics: James Walker (York University, Canada)
Language & Literature: Nigel Fabb (Strathclyde)
Historical Linguistics: Paul Kiparsky (Stanford)
Language Acquisition: Annick De Houwer (Erfurt)
Syntax-semantics interface: Lisa Cheng (Leiden)


In each week of the Summer School, there will be a welcoming reception, a poster session, an invited evening lecture and a restaurant dinner. The venue also offers several leisure and sporting facilities.

During the weekend in the middle of the Summer School, there will be a social program for the participants registered for both weeks.


Graduate students of the partner institutes of LOT can participate free of charge (tuition fees and accommodation). For other participants the tuition fees are € 175 for one week and € 300 for two weeks.

Accommodation (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) at the Summer School venue is offered for € 37 – € 42 per person per night, depending on the type of room.

Participants who are not staying at the Summer School venue can sign up for lunch and refreshments during the coffee breaks for € 100 per week.


Registration forms and other practical information will be made available on our website in March 2011.

If you are not a graduate student of LOT and you want to be sure of your participation and housing, please send a message to mentioning your name and affiliation as well as the week(s) of interest as soon as possible.


The LOT school is being organized at La Foresta, a conference centre just outside Leuven (about 7 kilometers) in the middle of a forest. Leuven is a historical university town located 26 kilometers east of Brussels and is well connected with the rest of Belgium and neighboring countries.

From Brussels International Airport there is a direct train shuttle service to Leuven, which takes about 15 minutes. From the Leuven railway station, you can easily take a bus or a taxi to the venue.

Charleroi Airport («Brussels South») has a lot of RyanAir flights. From Charleroi there is a bus service to the railway station Brussel Zuid (Bruxelles Midi). From Brussels there are direct trains to Leuven (approx. 30 mins). You can consult the NMBS website for timetables.

Information about La Foresta can be found on the website. Additional information will be posted on our website in due course.

XXXIX Simposio de la SEL – Santiago de Compostela

El próximo Simposio tendrá lugar en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, del 1 al 4 de febrero de 2010, y tendrá las siguientes características:

·   Las Comunicaciones serán de tema libre.

·   Se reservará un espacio para las comunicaciones que presenten propuestas, metodología o resultados de proyectos de investigación en curso. Animamos a los investigadores principales y a los miembros de los equipos a presentar comunicaciones que contribuyan a la difusión de sus proyectos.

·  Se celebrarán sesiones monográficas durante el primer día (lunes 1).

Las actividades previstas son las que se indican a continuación (en la circular del mes de septiembre se ofrecerá información más detallada):

Comunicaciones de Tema Libre con una duración de 30 minutos —20 de exposición y 10 de debate— (se reservará un espacio para las que estén dedicadas a Proyectos de Investigación). Plazo límite: 15 de noviembre de 2009.

Más información:

Beca de doctorado en lingüística española (Variación en español: entre gramática y sociedad)

Universidad de Tromsø. Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de lenguas y lingüística (Institutt for språkvitskap)

Destinado a : Solicitantes que desean obtener el grado de Ph.D / Doctor. El candidato deberá documentar su competencia en el área de lengua y lingüística hispánica en el grado de maestría o equivalente, así como dominio de la lengua española suficiente para producir una tesis en cuatro años. Duración de la beca: 4 años. Fecha límite: 18 de mayo de 2009.

Para más información contactar al profesor Antonio Fábregas, Telf. +47 776 44581, e-mail: Para más información acerca de las condiciones de la beca, contactar al director del Institutt for språkvitskap, profesor Endre Mørck, Telf. +47 776 44238, e-mail:

The candidate will study a case of variation of her/his choice in the field of Spanish grammar or lexicon. The case of variation proposed by the candidate may involve a) language contact situations, b) comparative study of two or more Spanish dialects, or c) variation internal to a single speech community. Appropriate possible topics would include: for a) the structure of the tense system of Paraguayan Spanish in bilingual speakers, word formation in Mexican Spanish in contact with Nahuatl; for b) the pronominal system in Northern Spain Spanish and in Andalusian Spanish, the distribution of past tenses in the grammatical system, the productivity of agentive suffixes in American and European Spanish; for c) the distribution of infinitives and gerunds in different types of texts, the formation of feminine animate nouns, any problem of normative grammar. The choice of the particular phenomenon under study will be left to the candidate, but the proposal must fit into one of the three areas of variation mentioned.
This project shares the motives and goals of I dialetti italiani e romanzi (Manzini & Savoia 2005) and of projects under development at the Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española project in the Real Academia Española, and several other dialectological projects in the Spanish Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and other academic institutions. […]

VII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística (SEHL)

La Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística (SEHL) es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que desde 1995 reúne a filólogos y lingüistas especializados en Historiografía Lingüística.

Tema: Ideias linguísticas na Península Ibérica (séc. XV a séc. XIX)
Sub-Tema: Projecção da Linguística Ibérica na América Latina, África, Ásia e Oceânia
Lugar do Congresso / Lugar del Congreso: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Datas de Realização / Fechas del Congreso: 3 a 6 de Novembro de 2009
Envio de Resumos / Envío de resúmenes: 31 de Maio de 2009
Data de Inscrição /Fecha de inscripción: 30 de Junho de 2009

Más información: