Pamplona, 16 a 18 de octubre de 2013. Propuestas para comunicaciones hasta el 15 de abril.
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Pamplona, 16 a 18 de octubre de 2013. Propuestas para comunicaciones hasta el 15 de abril.
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XIII Congreso de la
Asociación Jóvenes Investigadores de Historiografía e Historia de la Lengua Española
«La Filología Románica hoy» es el título provisional que hemos pensado para el
I Encuentro de jóvenes investigadores y doctores en Filología, Lingüística y Literaturas Románicas y áreas afines que pensamos celebrar en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en la primera quincena de noviembre de 2011.
Este encuentro se estructurará en varias mesas redondas de diálogo, cuyo objetivo será presentar las investigaciones en curso y el estado actual de la disciplina en las diferentes universidades. Así mismo contaremos con la participación de destacados romanistas que compartirán con nosotros su experiencia investigadora.
Área temática: Fonética, Fonología, Lexicografía, Lexicología, Lingüística histórica, Lingüística románica, Morfología, Otras especialidades, Sintaxis, Sociolingüística, Traducción, Variedades del español
Entidad Organizadora: Revista de Filología Románica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Contacto: Diego Muñoz Carrobles <>
Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el 30 de junio de 2011
Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: 15 de julio de 2011
Lengua(s) oficial(es) del evento: español, inglés, alemán, francés, italiano, portugués
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(fuente: Infoling)
Full Title: International Conference of Young Researchers
Short Title: CEDIL2010
Date: 29-Jun-2010 – 02-Jul-2010
Location: Grenoble, France
Contact Person: Aurore Batista
Meeting Email:
Web Site:
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Nov-2009
Meeting Description:
Multidisciplinary Conference on the Study of Language:
June 29 – July 2, 2010
LIDILEM laboratory Stendhal University, Grenoble, France
Following the success of the international Conference of Student researchers in Language Didactics and Linguistics (CEDIL’ 06), the young researchers of the LIDILEM laboratory would like invite participants to the second conference with CEDIL2010, which will be held at the Stendhal University of Grenoble, France in early July 2010.
Call for Papers:
In line with the areas of research of our laboratory, this multidisciplinary conference’s objective is to allow the community of PhD students and young researchers to submit their research topics in the fields of language, its teaching and or literacy, psychology, education sciences, ethnology, neurolinguistics, human-machine communication. Submissions should be in the following research themes:
-Linguistic development
-Language didactics,
-Natural Language Processing (NLP).
These three days will be an opportunity for young researchers to collaborate on various issues: thus reporting on the state of the art in their own domains. The conference also aims to combine the varied knowledge and the presentation of new research perspectives. CEDIL2010 will also be facilitating networking and interdisciplinary exchanges between researchers in scientific communities around the works presented.
Submission deadline: Sunday, November 15th, 2009
Announcement of acceptances: 15 January, 2010
Preliminary program: May, 2010
Reception of final articles: June 1st, 2010
Conference dates: Tuesday, 29 June (afternoon) to Friday, 2nd July 2010
Scientific Committee:
Marion Blondel (University Paris 8, France), Jean-François de Pietro (University
Neuchâtel, Institut de Recherche et de Documentation Pédagogique, Switzerland),
Anne-Marie Houdebine (University Paris 5, France), Danielle Leeman (University
Paris 10, Nanterre, France), Anthony Lodge (University Saint Andrews, Scotland),
Aliyah Morgenstern (University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, France), Marie-Paule
Péry-Woodley (University Toulouse 2, France), Frédérique Segond (Xérox,
Grenoble, France)
Plenary Speakers:
Jean-François de Pietro (Université Neuchâtel, Institut de Recherche et de Documentation Pédagogique, Switzerland), Anthony Lodge (University Saint Andrews, Scotland), Aliyah Morgenstern (University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, France), Frédérique Segond (Xérox, Grenoble, France)
The languages used during the conference will be French or English.
Submission Requirements:
This conference addresses only young researchers (PhD students and recent doctors). Abstracts must be in French or in English. The abstract should not be more than 2 pages long, including references.
Deadline for submission: 15th November 2009.
For more information refer to the instructions indicated on the conference site:
Modalities of Communication:
Presentations and posters of young researchers will follow one another and will
be accompanied with plenary conferences of renowned lecturers and researchers
stemming from different disciplinary fields. Communication in workshops will
allot 20 minutes of presentation and an additional 10 minutes for discussion.
Presentation of Posters:
Publication of Acts:
The abstracts accepted for oral or displayed may be published in the form of
articles (8-10 pages) to be submitted before 1 June 2010. Articles will be
subjected and selected to a proofreading committee with the possibility of being
published in the University Press of Grenoble (PUG) at the beginning of 2011.
(Fuente: The Linguist List)