Introducción a la edición crítica del manuscrito castellano medieval

Mianda Cioba, Introducción a la edición crítica del manuscrito castellano medieval, Bucarest: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti [Romanica, 17], 2013.

Esta introducción o manual a la edición crítica se divide en dos partes, la primera de ellas dedicada a la paleografía y la historia del libro, con especial dedicación a las escrituras fundamentales del periodo medieval, así como a sus centros de producción y a los lugares donde se consolidó la cultura del libro. La segunda parte se centra en el manuscrito como vehículo de transmisión del texto y en la edición del texto según los modelos aceptados en la disciplina de la ecdótica y/o crítica textual. El libro se completa con una serie de transcripciones paleográficas y tres apéndices entre los que abundan reproducciones, de notable calidad, de manuscritos ibéricos medievales.


III Congreso Internacional CHARTA

Tercer Congreso Internacional de CHARTA (Corpus Hispánico y Americano en la Red: Textos Antiguos)

Tradición e Innovación: nuevas perspectivas para la edición, la investigación y el estudio de documentos antiguos

Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca, 5, 6 y 7 de junio de 2013

1ª Circular III Congreso CHARTA

Research Assistant to work on a new critical edition of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (Oxford)

University of Oxford – Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria

Grade 7: Salary £28,983 – £30747 p.a. (pro rata)

The faculty seeks to recruit a part-time (50%) Research Assistant from 1 October 2010 to work on a new critical edition of the Cantigas de Santa Maria and a Handbook of CSM Studies, under the direction of Dr Stephen Parkinson (Principal Investigator). This is part of a range of projects on the Cantigas de Santa Maria, the collection of poems in praise of the Virgin Mary composed and collected at the court of King Alfonso X of Castile, in the Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, which is devoted to work on this collection. The Research Assistant will be responsible for the groundwork for and physical preparation of the critical edition, including a print anthology, and the Handbook.

The Research Assistant will also participate in the general work of the centre, including responding to enquiries, organizing seminars, attending meetings (in Oxford and Lisbon) with the Portuguese partner project, and assisting with the further development of the Cantigas de Santa Maria database.

The Research Assistant will have access to workspace and IT equipment in the Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, and will be required to attend regular meetings with the Project Investigator, but will otherwise not be required to work in Oxford.

Candidates should have:

  • a higher degree (MA or PhD) in a relevant branch of Medieval Hispanic Studies
  • experience in manuscript transcription and critical editing
  • knowledge of Galician-Portuguese language and literature
  • good IT skills
  • experience of  using online databases
  • good editorial skills and attention to detail
  • good command of written and spoken English

This is a fixed-term post tenable for a period of not more than two years.

Further particulars, detailing how to apply, can be seen on the Medieval and Modern Languages website at or are available on request to the Recruitment Office, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, 41 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF (tel: 01865 270750; email: Electronic applications, consisting of a letter explaining how you meet the requirements for the post, a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two referees, should be sent by email to The closing date for applications (in English) is noon on Wednesday 15 September 2010. It is hoped that interviews will be held in the week commencing 27 September 2010.