App Dialectos del español

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En la página encontrarás toda la información sobre este proyecto.

Revista Géolinguistique

La revista Géolinguistique anuncia que empieza a publicar en abierto; se están incorporando también números precedentes:

Unique en France dans son domaine d’étude, Géolinguistique propose depuis 1984 l’actualité de la recherche sur la variabilité linguistique dans l’espace et sur la langue dans tous ses aspects, à travers le monde et sans négliger dialectes et langues à tradition orale.

Oferta de empleo para dialectólogos

+ Salario aproximado: 1500 €/mes. Duración: 7 meses (prorrogables)
+ Entidad contratante: Universidad de Alcalá

+ Realización de encuestas dialectales en localidades situadas a lo
largo de la frontera hispano-portuguesa.
+ Transcripción de textos dialectales o de documentos de interés para
la investigación dialectal.
+ Fichado de materiales bibliográficos.
+ Actualización y mantenimiento de las bases de datos y del sitio web
del proyecto.

+ Grado o Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica, Filología Gallega,
Filología Portuguesa, Filología Románica o Lingüística.
+ Especialización en los ámbitos de documentación lingüística,
lingüística histórica o dialectología.
+ Experiencia en encuestas lingüísticas y en transcripción de textos
+ Carnet de conducir y disponibilidad de vehículo
+ Sólido conocimiento del español y del portugués (oral y escrito). Se
valorarán conocimientos de gallego o asturleonés.


(entrega en el registro de la Universidad de Alcalá o en registros oficiales/registro de Correos)


PRORROGADO: Convegno di linguistica romanza: «Lessicografia dialettale e etimologica : convegno in onore di F. D. Falcucci»

PRORROGADO: Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas de comunicación: 25 de junio de 2015. Se admiten todas las lenguas románicas.

El comité organizador notifica la siguiente precisión:

Proposte di comunicazione relative alla fonetica, alla morfologia o alla morfosintassi diacronica in una prospettiva di ricostruzione etimologica a fini lessicografici sono le benvenute. Inoltre, precisiamo che il convegno tratterà questioni non solo relative al
corso e all’opera di F. D. Falcucci ma che è aperto all’insieme delle varietà romanze.


«Lessicografia dialettale e etimologica: convegno in onore di F. D. Falcucci »

Organizadora: Stella Retali-Medori
Fechas: 28-30 ottobre 2015

Líneas temáticas:
-­‐ il trattamento dei lessemi (in particolare dei lessemi corsi),
-­‐ lo spoglio degli atlanti linguistici a scopo lessicografico (dizionari dialettali,
etimologici ma anche dizionari di lingua),
-­‐ lo spoglio delle fonti scritte (in particolare letterarie) e delle fonti antiche,
-­‐ lo spoglio dei dati onomastici,
-­‐ la rappresentazione delle forme foniche e la lemmatizzazione delle forme,
-­‐ il trattamento della variazione morfologica,
-­‐ la microstruttura e l’organizzazione del materiale dialettale in ogni articolo del
-­‐ l’apporto delle forme dialettali alla ricostruzione etimologica,
-­‐ il rapporto tra lessicografia storica e lessicografia dialettale,
-­‐ la datazione delle forme dialettali,
-­‐ il rapporto lingua / dialetto nella costruzione lessicografica,
-­‐ l’apporto della lessicografia e dell’etimologia alla ricerca dialettale.

-­‐ due giornate di lavoro all’università di Corsica (Corte),
-­‐ una giornata omaggio in Rogliano, in collaborazione con il comune di Rogliano ma
anche dei comuni di Livorno e di Laerru (provincia di Sassari, Sardegna)

Contacto: ;

Poste de Professeur des Universités en «Linguistique générale et dialectologie»

PR dialectologie – Fiche Galaxie

Full professor in «General Linguistics and Dialectology»
[official title: Professeur des Universités, see the information on Wikipedia:]

• teaching : Department of Linguistics
• research: Laboratoire CNRS (UMR 7320) Bases, Corpus, Langage

progressive, starting at 2535 Euros per month
(after social contributions, before taxes)

· the job is published on the recruitment website of French higher education GALAXIE:

· deadline for application: March 30th
· job interview for shortlisted applicants: May 2015
· job starts on September 1st, 2015

· applicants must be habilitated (French: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR)
· applicants who are not habilitated or who are established in countries where this qualification does not exist undergo a specific application procedure that probes equivalent academic qualification; candidates in this situation, or candidates in need of any further information, please contact :

In France, work time is divided into 50% teaching and 50% research. Teaching duty is 192 hours a year (which comes down to around 6h a week during two 12 week semesters) and includes classes both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Both teaching and research are involved in the supervision of graduate work, namely of Ph.Ds.
Attached is the official job description that will be available on Galaxie, in French. Sufficient language skills in French are required since the successful candidate will have to teach in French. Also consider that administration and the job interview will be in French.

Ayuda postdoctoral

Borsa annuale per collaboratore scientifico (post-doc; 80%; Prof. Dr. M. Loporcaro)
La cattedra di Linguistica romanza – Linguistica storica italiana (Università di Zurigo; Prof. Dr. Michele Loporcaro) bandisce una borsa post-doc annuale (ambiti: linguistica computazionale, dialettologia italiana, linguistica generale), con impiego all’80%, a partire dal 1 gennaio 2015.

Invio delle candidature all’indirizzo renatarita.bernasco­ni[at] entro il 15 novembre 2014.

Revista «Dialectologia»

Dialectologia (ISSN: 2013-2247) invites submissions of articles and notes,
reviews or summaries. Submissions will be accepted through November, 2011.

Dialectologia is an open access bi-annual publication of the University of Barcelona. Issues appear in January and July of each year.

Please, look also at the first special issue:

The journal wants to join the experiences of researchers working in
different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics,
methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies,
social dialectology, etc). It has four aims:

1. to provide dialectologists from all over the world with a forum for
the exchange of ideas and methods,
2. to create links between dialectology and more or less related
3. to study language variation from different points of view,
4. to bring dialectology up-to-date by incorporating new techniques and
modern theoretical approaches.

Dialectologia is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, that
complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
(FECYT). Each issue publishes 5/6 articles related to a specific subject. It
includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent

Submissions following the guidelines of the journal are requested via
e-mail. Guidelines for submissions are available at:

International Symposium on Limits and Areas in Dialectology

Nov. 23-25, 2011, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal




Defining the geographical space of linguistic variation and drawing the areal boundedness of linguistic variants are classical issues in dialectology. The beginnings of geolinguistics may
be firmly linked to such interests. Even if the non-discreteness of linguistic variation is well-acknowledged, one of the most specific geolinguistic tasks still is the construction/detection of dialectal areas. Present day dialectology thus continues to count on maps in which the regional distribution of linguistic units and dialect areas appear fairly well delimited one against the other.

The development of geolinguistic methods and their outcomes over the last decades have
significantly shaped new ways of conceiving limits and areas in the study of dialect variation. Also, theoretical advances in the understanding of linguistic variation and its interplay with extra-linguistic factors opened new avenues for interpreting dialectal limits and areas.

We invite researchers to present and discuss issues related to recent developments in the
identification and delimitation of dialect areas, with special focus on:

•theoretical approaches to the spatial dimension of linguistic variation;

•cartographic representation of dialect limits and areas;

•delimitation of linguistic borders and areas and its correlation with non linguistic factors (physical and social geography, political boundaries, identity, etc.);

•evolution of dialectal areas through time.

Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.

A limited number of abstracts will also be accepted for a poster session.

Languages for presentation: English and French.

Joan Veny (University of Barcelona)
Hans Goebl (University of Salzburg)

Sjef Barbiers (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam)

Abstracts for the Symposium should be anonymous and restricted to 500-1000 words
(title, aims and methodology, brief discussion and references), to be submitted as an attachment by e-mail to

Acceptable formats for attachments are MS Word and PDF. The following information should be included in the body of the message: name of author(s), affiliation, title of abstract, preference for poster or oral presentation, postal address, e-mail address.
Authors may submit up to two abstracts, one individual and one jointly authored.



For more information, please contact the organizers at:



organized by the CORDIAL team as part of the International Symposium on Limits and Areas in Dialectology (LimiAr). University of Lisbon, November 23-25, 2011

The prolific development of dialect syntax over the last two decades widened up the space for dialectology and linguistic theory to meet. The rise and expansion of several national projects and transnational networks on this research domain led to the systematic study of syntactic properties of dialects, which brought to light a sharper awareness of syntactic variation and of its areal extent.

While the theoretical impact of dialect syntax continues to renew the debate about the
grammatical locus for variation, this workshop calls for contributions addressing the spatial dimension of so-called syntactic variation. The main objective is to provide a forum for researchers to present results from recent projects and discuss issues and challenges pertaining to the geolinguistic import of dialect syntax, together with its theoretical,
empirical and methodological implications.

We welcome paper submissions addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:

• geographical boundaries in dialect syntax;
• geolinguistic patterns in the areal distribution of syntactic variants;
• definition and identification of dialectal syntactic variants;
• geographical space as a grammar-external factor for syntactic variation;
• grammatical loci of “syntactic” variables;
• spatial and grammatical correlations between syntactic variants and between syntactic variables;
• idiolectal and dialectal syntactic variation;
• intra-speaker and dialectal syntactic variation;
• methodological challenges/advances in dialect syntax fieldwork;
• cartographic representation of syntactic variables and variants;
• tools for dialect syntax.

Presentations will be allotted 30 minutes, followed
by 10 minutes for discussion.

Sjef Barbiers (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam)

Joan Veny (University of Barcelona)
Hans Goebl (University of Salzburg)


Abstracts should be anonymous and restricted to one page (using 2,5 cm margins on all sides, single line spacing and 11pt font size), to be submitted as an attachment by e-mail to

Acceptable formats for attachments are MS Word and PDF. The following information should be included in the body of the message: name of author(s), affiliation, title of abstract, postal address, e-mail address. Authors may submit up to two abstracts, one
individual and one jointly authored.



For more information, please contact the organizers at:


Ciencia, Llingua y Fronteres (CLLYF)

Oviedo, 5-6 de octubre de 2010

La Lingüística es una ciencia que, desde siempre, se ha enfrentado al problema de clasificar y tipificar la diversidad lingüística mundial, la realidad multiforme del lenguaje como atributo biológico de la especie humana. En esta tarea de reconocer las unidades de estudio (los tipos, dominios o lenguas), está implícito reconocer y medir las fronteras entre tales unidades, lo que sitúa a la Lingüística ante problemas específicos de taxonomía y categorización que aún no están resueltos del todo. ¿Tiene sentido el concepto de lengua (o dialecto)? Si tiene sentido, ¿de qué naturaleza son los criterios manejados? ¿Cómo se conciben las fronteras entre lenguas (o entre dialectos)?

En este debate participarán especialistas asturianos, españoles y europeos en Lingüística General, en Romanística, en Dialectología Hispánica, Gallego-Portuguesa y Asturleonesa. Pero puesto que el debate trasciende los límites de la propia Lingüística, también se oirán las argumentaciones de especialistas en Filosofía del Lenguaje, Antropología o Biología, disciplinas que comparten algunas de las preocupaciones acerca del concepto de tipo y frontera.

La inscripción se realizará con el ingreso de 10,00 € en la cuenta de Cajastur núm. 2048-0124-97-6800025111, consignando «Congreso Ciencia, Lengua y Fronteras». Último día de inscripción: 4 de octubre.

Más información:

La lengua española en su geografía

Moreno Fernández, Francisco. 2010. La lengua española en su geografía. Madrid: Arco/Libros (Colección: Bibliotheca Philologica. Formato: 15 x 21,5 cm, 512 págs., ISBN-13: 9788476357835. Precio: 22,50 EUR)

‘La lengua española en su geografía’ presenta una imagen global de la diversidad del mundo hispanohablante contemporáneo, analizando sus modalidades dialectales. Esta obra ordena y resume los datos aportados por la geografía lingüística del español, incorporando una visión perceptiva de la lengua y de sus variedades. El texto establece un contraste permanente entre la realidad lingüística hispánica y su percepción desde fuera de la investigación especializada. Además, se incorpora información sociolingüística y sociológica que resulta decisiva para la comprensión de las modalidades dialectales del español. El texto está redactado en forma de diálogo entre una bibliotecaria y un profesor de dialectología, y ha puesto un especial cuidado en la presentación de esquemas, cuadros sinópticos e ilustraciones.



Del origen y las formas de la diversidad lingüística hispánica
1. El español en su historia y en su geografía
2. La diversidad geolingüística y su percepción
3. La vida social de las variedades del español
4. Tendencias internas y factores externos en el uso del español

De las áreas geográficas de la lengua española

I. Áreas de España
5. El español castellano
6. El español andaluz
7. El español canario

II. Áreas de Hispanoamérica
8. El español general de América
9. El español caribeño
10. El español mexicano y centroamericano
11. El español andino
12. El español austral
13. El español chileno

De la periferia del mundo hispánico
14. El español de los Estados Unidos de América
15. El español de África y de Asia

Índice de ilustraciones
Alfabeto fónico
Referencias bibliográficas
Índice onomástico y de materias

(Fuente: Infoling)