Universidad de Tromsø. Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de lenguas y lingüística (Institutt for språkvitskap)
Destinado a : Solicitantes que desean obtener el grado de Ph.D / Doctor. El candidato deberá documentar su competencia en el área de lengua y lingüística hispánica en el grado de maestría o equivalente, así como dominio de la lengua española suficiente para producir una tesis en cuatro años. Duración de la beca: 4 años. Fecha límite: 18 de mayo de 2009.
Para más información contactar al profesor Antonio Fábregas, Telf. +47 776 44581, e-mail: antonio.fabregas@uit.no Para más información acerca de las condiciones de la beca, contactar al director del Institutt for språkvitskap, profesor Endre Mørck, Telf. +47 776 44238, e-mail: endre.morck@uit.no
The candidate will study a case of variation of her/his choice in the field of Spanish grammar or lexicon. The case of variation proposed by the candidate may involve a) language contact situations, b) comparative study of two or more Spanish dialects, or c) variation internal to a single speech community. Appropriate possible topics would include: for a) the structure of the tense system of Paraguayan Spanish in bilingual speakers, word formation in Mexican Spanish in contact with Nahuatl; for b) the pronominal system in Northern Spain Spanish and in Andalusian Spanish, the distribution of past tenses in the grammatical system, the productivity of agentive suffixes in American and European Spanish; for c) the distribution of infinitives and gerunds in different types of texts, the formation of feminine animate nouns, any problem of normative grammar. The choice of the particular phenomenon under study will be left to the candidate, but the proposal must fit into one of the three areas of variation mentioned.
This project shares the motives and goals of I dialetti italiani e romanzi (Manzini & Savoia 2005) and of projects under development at the Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española project in the Real Academia Española, and several other dialectological projects in the Spanish Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and other academic institutions. […]