Máster en Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas (USAL)


CURSO 2011- 2012

Desde el 1 de Marzo está abierto el plazo de preinscripción para el curso
2011-2012 del Máster oficial en Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas,

creado por el

Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas (IEMYR)

Toda la información sobre el mismo se encuentra en
donde se facilitan detalles sobre la preinscripción, plan de estudios,
número de plazas, etc.

International Summer School 2011. 4 sociolinguistic tandems

Date: 06-Jun-2011 – 10-Jun-2011
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Contact: Lin Solvang
Contact Email: ls@hum.ku.dk
Meeting URL: http://www.dgcss.dk

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics

Meeting Description:

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS from The LANCHART Centre, University of
Copenhagen, www.dgcss.dk :

The LANCHART Centre at the University of Copenhagen are accepting
applications for participation until March 10th 2011.

Application for participation
Please fill out the registration form at www.dgcss.dk or send it to course
administrator Lin Solvang at ls@hum.ku.dk.
We accept applications from PhD students, i.e. graduate students who have
finished an MA and are working on a PhD project.  Participants should
include an abstract of their project of a maximum of 1 page. Information
about admittance will be sent out to applicants no later than April 1st, 2011.
Those accepted will also receive course material and detailed information
on the practicalities.

Course fee
Participation is free of charge once your application is accepted. The
LANCHART Centre will serve lunches and snacks during the 5 days course
and also two evening meals. The participants will have to cover all other
expenses themselves
– additional meals, lodging and travel costs.

Course certificate and credits
A course certificate will be issued, based on 80% active participation. How
many ECTS credits that will be awarded by completion of the course, will be
announced at www.dgcss.dk by the end of January 2011.

A selection of works will be distributed to the participants upon acceptance.
Participants are expected to read these works before the course.

Read more and see updates at

[Fuente: Linguist List]

2011 LOT Summer School

Leuven (Belgium), 13-24 June, 2011



The school provides introductory and advanced graduate training in linguistics, with 18 courses in different domains, spread over two weeks. Courses are two hours per day, for five days, and can be taken for partial credit (without paper) or full credit (with submission of a paper after the course). The course syllabi and timetable will soon be available on this website and on the website of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. We already list the course subjects and their teachers

WEEK 1 (13-17 June 2011)

Syntax: Liliane Haegeman (Gent)
Psycholinguistics: Carlos Acuña Fariña (Santiago de Compostela)
Statistics: Dirk Speelman (Leuven)
Language evolution: Bart de Boer (University of Amsterdam)
Neurolinguistics:  Laurie Stowe (Groningen)
Contrastive Linguistics: Volker Gast (Jena)
Philogenetics: Loretta O’Connor (Radboud, Nijmegen)
Typology: Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig)
Language Use: Kurt Feyaerts (Leuven)

WEEK 2 (20-24 June 2011)

Semantics: Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford/Konstanz)
Phonology/Phonetics: Marc van Oostendorp (Leiden)
Computational linguistics: Antal van den Bosch (Tilburg)
Bilingualism: Ad Backus (Tilburg)
Sociolinguistics: James Walker (York University, Canada)
Language & Literature: Nigel Fabb (Strathclyde)
Historical Linguistics: Paul Kiparsky (Stanford)
Language Acquisition: Annick De Houwer (Erfurt)
Syntax-semantics interface: Lisa Cheng (Leiden)


In each week of the Summer School, there will be a welcoming reception, a poster session, an invited evening lecture and a restaurant dinner. The venue also offers several leisure and sporting facilities.

During the weekend in the middle of the Summer School, there will be a social program for the participants registered for both weeks.


Graduate students of the partner institutes of LOT can participate free of charge (tuition fees and accommodation). For other participants the tuition fees are € 175 for one week and € 300 for two weeks.

Accommodation (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) at the Summer School venue is offered for € 37 – € 42 per person per night, depending on the type of room.

Participants who are not staying at the Summer School venue can sign up for lunch and refreshments during the coffee breaks for € 100 per week.


Registration forms and other practical information will be made available on our website in March 2011.

If you are not a graduate student of LOT and you want to be sure of your participation and housing, please send a message to lotschool@arts.kuleuven.be mentioning your name and affiliation as well as the week(s) of interest as soon as possible.


The LOT school is being organized at La Foresta, a conference centre just outside Leuven (about 7 kilometers) in the middle of a forest. Leuven is a historical university town located 26 kilometers east of Brussels and is well connected with the rest of Belgium and neighboring countries.

From Brussels International Airport there is a direct train shuttle service to Leuven, which takes about 15 minutes. From the Leuven railway station, you can easily take a bus or a taxi to the venue.

Charleroi Airport («Brussels South») has a lot of RyanAir flights. From Charleroi there is a bus service to the railway station Brussel Zuid (Bruxelles Midi). From Brussels there are direct trains to Leuven (approx. 30 mins). You can consult the NMBS website for timetables.

Information about La Foresta can be found on the website. Additional information will be posted on our website in due course.

Mestrado de Crítica Textual (Lisboa)

Mestrado de Crítica Textual
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa


História da Crítica Textual – Ivo Castro
Produção de Texto – João Dionísio
Transmissão de Texto – Cristina Sobral
Escrita, Língua e Sociedade – Rita Marquilhas
Revisão de Original – Ângela Correia

Programas dos seminários:

Pedidos de informação: joaodionisio@campus.ul.pt<mailto:joaodionisio@campus.ul.pt

Introducción a la crítica textual: la edición filológica

Introducción a la crítica textual: la edición filológica

6-10 de septiembre de 2010 (La Cartuja de Sevilla)

Universidad Internacional de Andalucía

Directores del Curso: Rafael Bonilla Cerezo y Giuseppe Mazzochi

Programa del Curso e Inscripción

Terza Scuola estiva di Linguistica Romanza di Procida (2010)


La Troisième École d’Été de Linguistique romane, annoncée dans la Revue de Linguistique romane, vol. 73, 2009, p. 630 sq., aura lieu à Procida (Naples, Italie) du jeudi 10 juin 2010 au mercredi 16 juin 2010. Elle comportera 30 heures de cours qui seront dispensés par les enseignants suivants:

La Terza Scuola Estiva di Linguistica romanza, di cui si è data notizia nella Revue de Linguistique Romane, vol. 73, 2009, pp. 630sg., si svolgerà a Procida (Napoli, Italia) da giovedì 10 giugno 2010 a mercoledì 16 giugno 2010.  Essa comporterà 30 ore di lezione impartite dai seguenti docenti:

M. Barbato (Université Libre de Bruxelles): Linguistique et philologie : texte et langue.

F. Fanciullo (Università di Pisa): Problemi di linguistica italiana.

P. Garcia Mouton (CSIC, Madrid): Cómo se hace una enquesta dialectal en el campo.

M. Iliescu (Président de la SLiR): Il romeno e le altre lingue romanze.

A. Lodge (University of St Andrews): Problèmes de linguistique française.

J. Lüdtke (Universität Heidelberg): El español fuera de España. La hispanización de América.

L. Minervini (Università di Napoli Federico II): El español fuera de España. El judeo-español.

T. Telmon (Università di Torino): Come si fa un inchiesta dialettale sul terreno.

Pour des raisons d’organisation, le nombre des inscrits est limité à 15. Des demandes de participations peuvent être présentées par les docteurs et jeunes enseignants universitaires (non pas par des étudiants) qui ont travaillé ou travaillent sur des sujets de linguistique et philologie romanes. Ces demandes doivent être accompagnées d’un CV, de la liste d’éventuelles publications et d’une lettre de présentation d’au moins un enseignant qui est membre de la Société de Linguistique Romane.

Per ragioni organizzative il numero degli iscritti è limitato a 15.  Possono presentare domanda di partecipazione dottori di ricerca e giovani docenti (non studenti universitari) che abbiano già lavorato o lavorino su temi di linguistica e filologia romanza.  Le domande di partecipazione, corredate da un curriculum e dalla lista di eventuali pubblicazioni, devono essere accompagnate dalla lettera di presentazione di almeno un docente che sia membro della Société de Linguistique Romane.

Les domandes sont à envoyer au secrétaire de la Société / Le domande vanno inviate al segretario della Société:

Prof. M.-D. Glessgen, Romanisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, Zürichbergstrasse 8, CH-8032 Zürich (ou par courriel à l’adresse / o per via telematica all’indirizzo: slir@rom.uzh.ch).

Elles doivent nous parvenir jusqu’au / esse devono pervenire entro il:

31 marzo 2010

Nous vous prions d’adresser un copie de la demande à l’adresse / Si prega di mandare copia della domanda all’indirizzo:


Les domandes d’inscriptions seront évaluées jusqu’au 30 avril. Les participants recevront jusqu’à cette date une confirmation à l’adresse électronique qu’ils nous auront indiquée / Le domande di iscrizione vanno presentate entro il 30 aprile.  I vincitori riceveranno comunicazione all’indirizzo elettronico da loro indicato.

Les frais d’inscriptions, à payer à Procida, s’élèvent à 350 euros (l’inscription à la Société est en contrepartie offerte pour 2010). Les inscrits auront droit au logement, au petit déjeuner et au repas de midi. Le voyage et le dîner reste à leur charge. / La tassa d’iscrizione, da pagare a Procida, è fissata in euro 350 (comprensivi dell’iscrizione alla Société per il 2010).  Gli iscritti avranno diritto all’alloggio, alla prima colazione e al pasto di mezzogiorno.  Resta a loro carico il viaggio e la cena.

La présence aux cours est obligatoire. Les participants recevront à la fin de l’École d’Été une attestation de participation. / La frequenza alle lezioni è obbligatoria. I partecipanti riceveranno al termine del corso un attestato di frequenza.

Pour toute autre information vous pouvez vous adresser au prof. Alberto Varvaro, varvaro@unina.it / Per altre informazioni ci si può rivolgere al prof. Alberto Varvaro, varvaro@unina.it.

Ecole d’été franco-allemande en étymologie romane

Nancy (France), 26-30 juillet 2010


(1) Faire profiter la communauté scientifique des avancées méthodologiques du projet DÉRom (Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman), qui se propose de refonder l’étymologie héréditaire romane sur la base de la grammaire comparée-reconstruction.
(2) Participer à la formation d’une relève capable d’affronter les défis de demain dans le domaine de l’étymologie et de la lexicologie/lexicographie historiques romanes.
(3) Fédérer les forces vives en lexicographie historique romane et créer une synergie entre les projets phares du domaine tels que l’ALW (Atlas linguistique de la Wallonie), l’AND (Anglo-Norman Dictionary), le DAG (Dictionnaire onomasiologique de l’ancien gascon), le DEAF (Dictionnaire Étymologique de l’Ancien Français), le DELlA (Diccionariu etimolóxicu de la Llingua Asturiana), le DÉRom (Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman), le DI (Deonomasticon Italicum), le DLR (Dicţionarul limbii române), le DMF (Dictionnaire du Moyen Français), le
DOM (Dictionnaire de l’Occitan Médiéval), le DRG (Dicziunari rumantsch grischun), le FEW (Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch), le GPSR (Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande), le LEI (Lessico etimologico italiano) ou encore le NDHLE (Nuevo diccionario histórico de la lengua española).
(4) Permettre à chaque participant de l’école d’été de rédiger un article du DÉRom, qui sera publié sous son nom sur le site web du dictionnaire (http://www.atilf.fr/DERom).


Jeunes chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, post-doctorants, doctorants, dans certains cas étudiants avancés de toute nationalité.


L’inscription, qui est libre de frais, se fait au moyen du formulaire ci-joint, à envoyer à l’adresse deromdirection@atilf.fr avant le 31 mars 2010 si l’inscription est couplée à une demande de bourse, avant le 31 mai 2010 si le candidat (ou son université ou son laboratoire) prend en charge les frais de la mission.

Descargar el programa

Descargar la hoja de inscripción

Más información: deromdirection@atilf.fr

1st European Summer School

We are happy to announce the 1st European Summer School «Culture & Technology» to take place at the University of Leipzig, Germany, July 27-31, 2009


Funded by the University of Leipzig, the Volkswagen Foundation and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC), the Summer School is directed at an international audience. Students in their final year, graduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, postdocs, teachers, librarians and technical assistants from all over Europe who are involved in the theoretical, experimental or practical application of computational methods in the various areas of the Humanities, in libraries and archives, or wish to do so are the target audience of the courses.

The Summer School will offer Humanities students in particular the possibility to gain practical knowledge of the application of computational methods to the digitalisation, description, analysis and production of humanities contents and artefacts (languages, texts, images, etc.), to discuss related theoretical questions and to forge new perspectives on the study and preservation of languages, cultures and cultural memory and the translation between cultures.
The Summer School addresses also expressively engineers and computer scientist who accept the challenge represented by the Arts and Humanities, who wish to obtain an insight into the application of, and work with, computational methods in the Humanities, and who wish to familiarise themselves with the special demands put on the soft- and hardware systems they develop by arts and humanities-related data.

The Summer School takes place across a whole week. The intensive programme consists of workshops, lectures and project presentations. The Summer School will close with a round table discussion on the challenges presented by technological developments and by the integration of the Humanities and ICTs.

Each workshop consists of a total of 15 sessions or 30 week-hours. The number of participants in each workshop is limited to 15. Applications for a place in a specific workshop are made on the Portal of the Summer School.

Preference will be given to young scholars of the Humanities who are planning, or are already involved with, a technology-based research project and describe this project in a qualified way. Young scholars of Engineering and Computer Sciences are expected to describe their specialities and interests in such a way that also non specialists can follow and that they support their expectations from the Summer School with good arguments.

Thanks to the generous support granted by the Volkswagen Foundation to the Summer School, participants who have no possibility of applying for a refund from another institution can apply for a contribution to their travel and accommodation costs.

Important dates
For planning reasons we ask everyone who is interested in the Summer School to express her or his interest asap by setting up a personal account with ConfTool. ConfTool is accessible from the portal of the Summer School. See under «registration».

People who would like to stay in one of the guest houses of the university are kindly asked to contact the organisers straight away.

Last day for the submission of the application for the Summer School via ConfTool

(Fuente: Linguist List)

VII Escuela Internacional de Verano de Terminologia

VII Escuela Internacional de Verano de Terminología
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Del 6 al 10 de julio de 2009

La Escuela se celebra cada dos años, desde 1997. Es una buena oportunidad de encuentro de jóvenes interesados en esta materia, tanto para los orientados a la investigación como para los que colaboran en proyectos terminográficos. Este año se ha renovado la estructura y los contenidos para acercarla cada vez más a planteamientos de aprendizaje como los que predominan en el EEES.  Se cuenta con una oferta de becas patrocinadas por RITERM, AETER y SCATERM.

Más información en http://www.iula.upf.edu/ee/eeees.htm

(Fuente: Infoling)