Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory: Aboh, Linden, Quer, Sleema (Eds)

Title: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory
Subtitle: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ Amsterdam 2007
Series Title: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1

Publication Year: 2009
Publisher: John Benjamins

Book URL:

Editor: Enoch O. Aboh
Editor: Elisabeth van der Linden
Editor: Josep Quer
Editor: Petra Sleema

Electronic: ISBN:  9789027288707 Pages:  Price: U.S. $ 165.00
Electronic: ISBN:  9789027288707 Pages:  Price: Europe EURO 110.00
Hardback: ISBN:  9789027203816 Pages:  Price: Europe EURO 110.00
Hardback: ISBN:  9789027203816 Pages:  Price: U.S. $ 165.00

The volumes <i>Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance'</i> contain the selected papers of the Going Romance conferences, a major European annual discussion forum for theoretically relevant research on Romance languages.

This volume assembles a significant number of selected papers that were presented at the 21st edition of Going Romance, which was organized by the Chair of Romance Linguistics of the University of Amsterdam in December 2007. The range of languages (both standard and non-standard varieties) analyzed in this volume is quite significant: Catalan, French, Italian, European and Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish. The volume is quite representative of the spread of the variety of research carried out nowadays on Romance languages within theoretical linguistics and shows the vitality of this research.

[Fuente: The Linguist List]

Verbal Periphrases in Catalan and Romance Languages

Fechas: 23-Sep-2010 – 25-Sep-2010. Viena, Austria

Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2010

Meeting Description:
The workshop ‘Verbal Periphrases in Catalan and other Romance Languages: New Data, New Approaches, New Perspectives’ is a special session within the 22nd International Congress for Catalan Studies, University of Vienna / Austria, September 23-25, 2010.

[Fuente: The Linguist List]

Vowel Prosthesis in Romance. A Diachronic Study

Author: Rodney Sampson
Hardback: ISBN: 0199541159 9780199541157 Pages: 320 Price: U.S. $ 125.00
Abstract: This book presents a comparative, historical account of vowel prosthesis in the Romance languages. Vowel prothesis is one of several types of irregula and sporadic changes that have occurred in Romance, but it has remained poorly studied despite its widespread incidence. It involves the appearance of a non-etymological vowel at the beginning of a word: a familiar instance is initial e in many words in Spanish, as seen for example in the development of Latin spina to Spanish espina ‘thorn’. In a wide-ranging account, Professor Sampson distinguishes three major categories of vowel prosthesis in Romance and explores their formal characteristics, their geographical and chronological incidence, and their likely causation. He considers the relationship between the different categories to establish the extent to which they may be viewed as a unitary phenonmenon with a common basis. The book brings together for the first time a substantial body of linguistic and philological material which serves to shed a new light on vowel prothesis in less well-known Romance varieties.

Language Variation – European Perspectives II

This volume contains a selection of papers from the 4th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 4), which was held at the University of Cyprus from June 17th–19th 2007. The variety of theoretical frameworks and methodological perspectives (from Generative Grammar, Word Grammar, Government Phonology, Optimality Theory and Distributed Morphology to quantitative, Labovian and ethnographic approaches to variation and change, real and apparent time studies, phonetic analysis and metatheoretical papers on quantitative analysis), as well as the sheer number of linguistic varieties examined, attest both to the breadth and scope of the conference and to its status as a meeting-place for synchronic and diachronic linguistic description and theoretical exploration. One of the major themes running through the volume is the explicit concern with methodological refinement. Almost all the contributions address issues of methodology in various aspects of data collection and analysis, be they questionnaire surveys and interview data, spoken or written corpora, real- and apparent-time studies, dialect atlases and maps, statistical models or software. Alongside methodological issues, and especially with regard to the treatment of historical data, many of the papers in the volume explicitly address theoretical issues, for example the relative weighting of linguistic/systemic, cognitive and discourse factors in the exploration of language variation and change.

‘The Linguists’ film now available on home video

Sundance and PBS documentary sensation ‘The Linguists‘ is finally available on home video! This holiday season, give the gift of language; or at least a hilarious buddy movie about the way people talk.

The cost of ‘The Linguists’ home video DVD is $30, not including sales tax or shipping and handling.

‘The Linguists’ is also available for educational screenings (with ongoing public performance rights) with a curriculum guide. The cost, including shipping and handling, is $300.

Please visit DVD features 30 minutes of extras profiling endangered languages around the world and efforts to archive and revive them.

[Atención: el DVD es de zona 0, visible en España, por tanto, pero no tiene subtítulos]

XIII Jornadas Medievales


30 de agosto al 3 de septiembre de 2010

Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

El proyecto MEDIEVALIA, a través de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y con la colaboración de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa y El Colegio de México, llevará a cabo el Congreso Internacional XIII Jornadas Medievales del 30 de agosto al 3 de septiembre
de 2010.

De nueva cuenta, esta reunión tiene como objeto dar a conocer investigaciones originales sobre la Edad Media realizadas por académicos de diversas disciplinas. La duración de cada ponencia será de 20 minutos.

Los interesados en participar deben enviar a los miembros del Comité Organizador, vía correo electrónico, el título y un resumen de una cuartilla de su comunicación a más tardar el 31 de mayo de 2010.

La cuota de inscripción es de $50.00 dólares estadounidenses (o su equivalente en moneda nacional).

Comité organizador proyecto medievalia




·        RENATO GARCÍA PÉREZ (asistente):


Fourteenth-century Classicism: Bernat Metge and Petrarch

Fourteenth-century Classicism: Bernat Metge and Petrarch
The Warburg Institute, 12 February 2010

This conference examines the early influence of Petrarch’s Latin works in the Crown of Aragon and France, and focuses on Bernat Metge (c. 1348-1413), the first writer to adapt Petrarch in the Iberian Peninsula.

Organised by Jill Kraye (The Warburg Institute), Lluís Cabré (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Alejandro Coroleu (ICREA – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), with the support of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat de Girona, and the School of Advanced Study (University of London).

To register please contact Elizabeth Witchell at the Warburg Institute:

Programme Colloquium Warburg (12-2-2010).pdf 

Amaltea. Revista de Mitocrítica

Amaltea es una Revista de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid dedicada al estudio interdisciplinar de los mitos, con especial relieve de su trascendencia literaria. El primer número, cuyo diseño resulta muy atractivo, se puede consultar en línea. Se ha convocado ya a los interesados para que envíen sus aportaciones para el segundo número, dedicado a Aracné.

El número 1 de Amaltea. Revista de Mitocrítica (ISSN 1989-1709), fue
publicado el pasado 1 de octubre:

El número 2 estará dedicado a la recepción del mito de Aracné en la
literatura occidental contemporánea:

El plazo de recepción de artículos sigue abierto hasta el próximo 1 de febrero.