Acaba de aparecer el número 4 (2011) de la revista Hápax, editada por la Sociedad de Estudios de Lengua y Literatura (SELL). Es una publicación en línea y de libre acceso
Autor: Administrador
Los Templarios en la Literatura
Cursos de Verano de la Universidad de León 2011
Ponferrada, 5-8 de julio de 2011
Poesía Medieval: Métrica y Música
Poesía medieval: entre métrica y música
XXII Cursos de Verano de la UNED
Ávila, 6-8 de julio de 2011
Curso dirigido por Elena González-Blanco y Fernando Gómez Redondo
Storia del Libro in Europa
Storia del Libro in Europa. Scrittura, Stampa e Lettura
Lecciones Magistrales 2011
12 de mayo (17:00). David McKitterick (Trinity College, Cambridge)
23 de mayo (17:00). Frédéric Barbier (École Pratique des Hautes Études, París)
26 de mayo (17:00). Pedro M. Cátedra (Universidad de Salamanca)
30 de mayo (17:00). Antonio Castillo Gómez (Universidad de Alcalá)
7 de junio (10:00). Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Universität des Saarlandes)
Todas las Lecciones tendrán lugar en la Biblioteca d’Arte e di Storia di San Giorgio in Poggiale Via Nazario Sauro, 22. Bologna Organiza: CERB, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica. Università di Bologna
Call for papers: Regional/minority language policies in the new milennium
(Vol. 37, No. 2, Jul-Dec 2011)
Special issue on:
Language policy can be defined as a system of measures regulating the influence of the state on the language functioning on its territory. There is a need therefore to distinguish clearly between state language, official language, national language and regional or minority languages and define their specific social roles to remove the legal ambiguity. It is necessary to distinguish between language policy as decision-making from language planning as implementation. For, policymaking has never been as arduous a task as the implementation part of it.
Problems may be manifold so far as realization of lofty pluralistic goals of the minority language laws is concerned, especially those associated with language attitudes, language and education, development of separate written forms or orthography and development of literacy programs, declining linguistic groups, penetration of English and/ or other majority language into the local and international linguistic practice, and issues of community languages, etc. To this, we may add the growing tendency of homogenisation enforced by development in general and spread of information technology in particular. Besides, the ascendancy and perceived threat of the English language, globalisation, concurrent processes of political integration and disintegration, and the current blossoming of regional identities and concomitant renaissance of minority languages are factors driving the present linguistic developments worldwide. National, cultural, and ethnic identities get carried along the languages, and therefore, population movement affecting the language situation has to be studied in this perspective of changing perceptions of collective and individual identities over the years. A possible solution to this problem may lie in the forecast oriented studies of the language situation and in the implementation of an adequate language policy. The possibility to forecast the advent of the language conflicts and the intentions to prevent aggravations of the national and language conflicts can perhaps improve the acceptance of language laws. The official policy in most parts of the world is generally connoted with the development of bilingualism. But, some think that bilingualism is only an intermediate stage on the way to national monolingualism. With these utopian ideas, it is difficult to eradicate the problem of acceptance of language laws.
Mobility, no matter what way, is bound to have a disruptive influence on the traditional pattern of life. Demographic shifts, as a consequence of globalisation, are likely to have an indelible impact on language maintenance so far as the regional and minority languages are concerned. Creation of a new social class of migrants, resettlers, and Gasterbeiter has added new questions to the problem of survival and maintenance of languages. The role of their language in the new environment may suffer a functional loss, but a strong linguistic allegiance makes it rather difficult to ignore the impact of their respective cultural habits and language behaviour on the existing sociolinguistic and cultural set up. Mobility and migration, therefore, creates new conditions of multilingualism. On the contrary, the majority of world population, though it is fed increasingly into towns, exist in rural areas, where the comparative isolation is a factor favourable to local and regional languages.
The emerging language situation and related problems of language maintenance worldwide are increasingly guided by the socio-economic factors. The situation of regional/ minority languages is likely to deteriorate further as their demand in the job-market is already none to negligible. The socio-economic variable, in the new millennium, adds a new dimension to the problem of language maintenance so far as the case of minority languages is concerned. The minority/ regional languages must therefore be investigated in connection with the way of thinking of a person, and not as an abstract system. The subject and responsibility of scholars and policy makers is the investigation of the language as well as of the social and personal factors, resolution of the contradictions and determination of the ways of the development of the dialogue of cultures.
Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJOAL), in its 35th year of publication, solicits submissions from scholars for its special thematic issue on “Regional/ Minority Language Policies in the New Millennium”. Original works on all minority and regional language related issues ranging from the problems of language planning, policies and implementation to the problems associated with other sociolinguistic variables, especially those emerging in the new millennium, are most welcome.
— The papers pertaining to the areas mentioned above should be submitted to the Guest Editor, on his e-mail <> with a copy of the same to the Editors on their e-mail as well.
— The last date of submission for the articles would be May 30, 2011.
— For your convenience, we made Guidelines for the preparation of Camera Ready Manuscripts and a Template file (click on the links to download).
Guest Editor
Dr. Alok K Das
Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(Formerly, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Singhania University & Dean,
Gurgaon College of Engineering)
E-mail: <>
Harpreet Kaur Bahri
Deepinder Singh Bahri
1749A/5, Govindpuri Extension
Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
E-mail: <>
International Symposium on Limits and Areas in Dialectology
Nov. 23-25, 2011, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Defining the geographical space of linguistic variation and drawing the areal boundedness of linguistic variants are classical issues in dialectology. The beginnings of geolinguistics may
be firmly linked to such interests. Even if the non-discreteness of linguistic variation is well-acknowledged, one of the most specific geolinguistic tasks still is the construction/detection of dialectal areas. Present day dialectology thus continues to count on maps in which the regional distribution of linguistic units and dialect areas appear fairly well delimited one against the other.
The development of geolinguistic methods and their outcomes over the last decades have
significantly shaped new ways of conceiving limits and areas in the study of dialect variation. Also, theoretical advances in the understanding of linguistic variation and its interplay with extra-linguistic factors opened new avenues for interpreting dialectal limits and areas.
We invite researchers to present and discuss issues related to recent developments in the
identification and delimitation of dialect areas, with special focus on:
•theoretical approaches to the spatial dimension of linguistic variation;
•cartographic representation of dialect limits and areas;
•delimitation of linguistic borders and areas and its correlation with non linguistic factors (physical and social geography, political boundaries, identity, etc.);
•evolution of dialectal areas through time.
Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.
A limited number of abstracts will also be accepted for a poster session.
Languages for presentation: English and French.
Joan Veny (University of Barcelona)
Hans Goebl (University of Salzburg)
Sjef Barbiers (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam)
Abstracts for the Symposium should be anonymous and restricted to 500-1000 words
(title, aims and methodology, brief discussion and references), to be submitted as an attachment by e-mail to
Acceptable formats for attachments are MS Word and PDF. The following information should be included in the body of the message: name of author(s), affiliation, title of abstract, preference for poster or oral presentation, postal address, e-mail address.
Authors may submit up to two abstracts, one individual and one jointly authored.
For more information, please contact the organizers at:
organized by the CORDIAL team as part of the International Symposium on Limits and Areas in Dialectology (LimiAr). University of Lisbon, November 23-25, 2011
The prolific development of dialect syntax over the last two decades widened up the space for dialectology and linguistic theory to meet. The rise and expansion of several national projects and transnational networks on this research domain led to the systematic study of syntactic properties of dialects, which brought to light a sharper awareness of syntactic variation and of its areal extent.
While the theoretical impact of dialect syntax continues to renew the debate about the
grammatical locus for variation, this workshop calls for contributions addressing the spatial dimension of so-called syntactic variation. The main objective is to provide a forum for researchers to present results from recent projects and discuss issues and challenges pertaining to the geolinguistic import of dialect syntax, together with its theoretical,
empirical and methodological implications.
We welcome paper submissions addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:
• geographical boundaries in dialect syntax;
• geolinguistic patterns in the areal distribution of syntactic variants;
• definition and identification of dialectal syntactic variants;
• geographical space as a grammar-external factor for syntactic variation;
• grammatical loci of “syntactic” variables;
• spatial and grammatical correlations between syntactic variants and between syntactic variables;
• idiolectal and dialectal syntactic variation;
• intra-speaker and dialectal syntactic variation;
• methodological challenges/advances in dialect syntax fieldwork;
• cartographic representation of syntactic variables and variants;
• tools for dialect syntax.
Presentations will be allotted 30 minutes, followed
by 10 minutes for discussion.
Sjef Barbiers (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam)
Joan Veny (University of Barcelona)
Hans Goebl (University of Salzburg)
Abstracts should be anonymous and restricted to one page (using 2,5 cm margins on all sides, single line spacing and 11pt font size), to be submitted as an attachment by e-mail to
Acceptable formats for attachments are MS Word and PDF. The following information should be included in the body of the message: name of author(s), affiliation, title of abstract, postal address, e-mail address. Authors may submit up to two abstracts, one
individual and one jointly authored.
For more information, please contact the organizers at:
Arquivo do galego oral (AGO)
Práceme informarvos de que o Arquivo do Galego Oral (AGO) xa se pode consultar na rede: A singradura do AGO comeza cun bo quiñón de textos sobre a guerra do 36 e a dura posguerra que se viviu en Galicia, cun lote de textos sobre crenzas (particularmente sobre a Compaña) e cun lote sobre a represión lingüística.
II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Estudios Portugueses y de la Lusofonía
Los días 17, 18 y 19 de octubre de 2011, en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la
Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres (España) se celebrará el II CONGRESO
De este modo se da continuidad a la labor de diálogo e intercambio de experiencias y
proyectos entre la comunidad universitaria iniciada con el I Congreso SEEPLU “Al
Límite”, celebrado en 2009.
El congreso se presenta bajo el lema DIFUNDIR LA LUSOFONÍA y pretendemos
llamar la atención de todos participantes en el Congreso en torno a dos ejes de trabajo
1.- El estudio de la lengua portuguesa y las culturas y literaturas lusófonas. En
este apartado se aceptarán comunicaciones centradas en líneas como:
-Literaturas y culturas lusófonas
-Lengua y lingüística portuguesas
2.- El papel de la publicidad en la construcción y divulgación de la Lusofonía y
su(s) cultura(s). En este apartado se aceptarán comunicaciones centradas en líneas
-Publicidad en la didáctica de la lengua portuguesa y las culturas
-Traducción y publicidad;
-Literatura, Cultura y Propaganda;
-Publicidad en el diálogo intercultural
Esperamos que este congreso constituya un foro activo de intercambio de opiniones e
ideas, formulación de tesis y planteamientos, así como la apertura de corrientes y vías
de investigación no sólo de los temas propuestos sino de los retos y nuevos temas que
emergen de la riqueza de la comunicación intercultural e interlingüística.
LENGUAS OFICIALES: portugués y español.
Envío de propuestas: hasta 10 de junio de 2011
Comunicación de aceptación: antes del 30 de junio de 2011
Actas: Está prevista la edición de las actas del congreso en soporte CD-ROM. Para ello,
el texto completo deberá ser entregado en formato definitivo el mismo día de
presentación de la comunicación, en el transcurso del congreso.
Asistencia con comunicación: 30 € (precio por comunicación)
Asistencia sin comunicación: 20 €
Estudiantes: gratis
Número de cuenta:
Caja Extremadura – 2099 0295 62 0070031782
IBAN (Código Internacional de Cuenta Bancaria):
ES92 2099 0295 6200 7003 1782
Para formalizar la inscripción es necesario que nos envíen el resguardo del ingreso
bancario, en alguna de las siguientes modalidades:
correo postal: Secretaría del II Congreso SEEPLU. Facultad de Filosofía y
Letras, Avda. de la Universidad s/n, 10003, Cáceres
correo electrónico:
fax: 927 257 401 (A/A Iolanda Ogando / Ana Belén García Benito)
Más información:
e-mail de contacto:
Summer School of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT)
WEEK 1 (13-17 June 2011)
09.00 – 11.00
Carlos Acuña Fariña: Aspects of the processing of agreement
Dirk Speelman: Statistics for (Corpus) Linguistics
Bart de Boer: Evolution of Language
11.15 – 13.15
Laurie Stowe: Comprehending Words in Context
Marc van Oostendorp: Phonology: The Key Ideas
Loretta O’Connor: Introduction to Phylogenetics for Linguists
14.15 – 16.15
Martin Haspelmath: The Nature of Morphosyntactic Universal
Kurt Feyaerts: Meaning in interaction
Liliane Haegeman: Main clause phenomena, the double asymmetry and locality
16.30 – 18.30
Martin Haspelmath: masterclass Topics in comparative morphosyntax
Laurie Stowe: masterclass Topic in Neuroimaging
Marc van Oostendorp: masterclass Topics in Phonology and the Phonology-Morphology interface
WEEK 2 (20-24 June 2011)
9.00 – 11.00
Ad Backus: Usage-based approach to contact linguistics
Antal van den Bosch: Inducing Linguistic Knowledge from Statistical Machine Translation Systems
Volker Gast: Contrastive linguistics
11.15 – 13.15
James Walker: Analysing Linguistic Variation
Eric Reuland & Denis Delfitto: The state of the art in the syntax-semantics interface
Nigel Fabb: Language and Literature
14.15 – 16.15
Annick De Houwer: Bilingual First Language Acquisition
Paul Kiparsky: Morphology and its interfaces
Cleo Condoravdi: Semantics
16.30 – 18.30
James Walker: masterclass Topics in Sociolinguistic Variation and Change
Eric Reuland: masterclass Topics in syntax and in the syntax-semantics interface
Volker Gast: masterclass Topics in Contrastive Linguistics
Courses are two hours every day for five days, and can be taken for partial credit (without paper) or full credit (with submission of a paper after the course).
Participants are encouraged to present their research to teachers and fellow researchers in the form of a poster on Monday evenings (June 13th and June 20th. 8.30 pm).
There is no need to make a completely new poster if you have one available from a prior event! If you wish to participate, please make sure that you mark the poster option on the registration form.
A presentation certificate will be issued after the poster session.
In each week of the Summer School, there will be a welcoming reception and a restaurant dinner. The venue also offers several leisure and sporting facilities. Please bring your sporting clothes and favourite music with you. More information can be found at the website.
During the weekend in the middle of the Summer School, there will be a social program for the participants registered for both weeks.
Graduate students of the partner institutes of LOT can participate free of charge (tuition fees and accommodation). For other participants the tuition fees are € 175 for one week and € 300 for two weeks.
Accommodation (including breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks and dinner) at the Summer School venue is offered for € 40 per person per night.
Participants who are not staying at the Summer School venue will be charged € 100 per week for lunch and refreshments during the coffee breaks.
Registration is open till May 13th 2011.
The LOT school is being organized at La Foresta, a conference centre just outside Leuven (about 7 kilometers) in the middle of a forest. Leuven is a historical university town located 26 kilometers east of Brussels and is well connected with the rest of Belgium and neighboring countries.
From Brussels International Airport there is a direct train shuttle service to Leuven, which takes about 15 minutes. From the Leuven railway station, you can easily take a bus or a taxi to the venue.
Charleroi Airport («Brussels South») has a lot of RyanAir flights. From Charleroi there is a bus service to the railway station Brussel Zuid (Bruxelles Midi). From Brussels there are direct trains to Leuven (approx. 30 mins). You can consult the NMBS website for timetables.
Information about La Foresta can be found on the website.
Henriette E. de Swart (Utrecht)
Ivana Brasileiro (Utrecht)
Postal Address:
Kris Heylen (LOT 2011)
Faculty of Arts – Department of Linguistics
Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 Box 3308
3000 Leuven
Telephone: +32 16 324765
Fax: +32 16 324767
Email (registration and course related materials)
Email (local affairs)
El Cancioneiro de Roi Queimado
Pilar Lorenzo Gradín y Simone Marcenaro, Il canzoniere del trovatore Roi Queimado, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso [Medioevo Ispanico, 2], 2011.
Este Canzoniere constituye el segundo volumen de una colección, Medievo Ispanico, dirigida por la profesora Pilar Lorenzo Gradín (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), de cuyo primer volumen es responsable el colaborador del título que aquí se comenta, Simone Marcenaro, L’equivocatio nella lirica galego-portoghese medievale, 2010. El Cancioneiro de Roi Queimado es producto que se destila del Proyecto de Investigación La lírica gallego-portuguesa en la corte de Alfonso X. Autores y textos, subvencionado por el Ministerio de Investigación y Ciencia de España.
Este libro y esta colección muestran al tiempo la laboriosidad minuciosa y la generosidad con los amigos y colegas, y con los jóvenes investigadores, de la profesora Lorenzo Gradín. Como buena maestra no teme a la juventud (que ella misma no ha abandonado) ni a la inteligencia, sino que integra ambas cualidades (no siempre complementarias) en proyectos de calado para el ámbito de estudios de la filología románica.
Buena muestra de ello es este Canzoniere, que sigue en gran medida las pautas establecidas para la edición de su Afonso Lopez de Baian (2008). El libro ofrece una extensa introducción de casi cien páginas en las que se ponen sobre la mesa todos los datos biográficos que ha sido posible recopilar a propósito de Queimado, una muy detallada recensión de la tradición manuscrita de sus composiciones y un estudio literario de su poesía, con especial referencia a la técnica poética. Los criterios de edición preceden a los textos de Queimado, distribuidos en tres secciones clásicas, cantigas de amor, cantigas de amigo y cantigas de escarnio e maldizer.
La edición de los textos es digna sucesora de las de los grandes romanistas: se ofrece un texto muy limpio y depurado al que siguen las variantes y las referencias fundamentales a la bibliografía de los manuscritos. Es digna de mención la atención concedida a las rúbricas y notas marginales, tratadas siempre con gran detalle (y gran angular). Se cuida después de las cuestiones de re metrica, se traduce el texto, se comenta y, finalmente, para no dejar ningún cabo suelto, se anota casi palabra por palabra. El resultado de este proceder en cada una de las composiciones recogidas es de un rigor y exhaustividad que impone, pero que no desanima, antes al contrario, al debate científico.
El libro se completa con una serie de apéndices entre los que se encuentran una cantiga de Pero Garcia Burgalés a Queimado, un rimario, un glosario y una amplia bibliografía.