Boletín Scriptorium

Ha aparecido el número 1 del Boletín Scriptorium de la Cátedra de Historia Medieval e Instituto de Historia de España de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas de la Comunicación de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Su objetivo es reunir y difundir trabajos de alumnos avanzados en la carrera, noticias referidas a los estudios medievales, publicaciones y ediciones recientes… Su periodicidad será semestral (julio y diciembre).

Los interesados en colaborar pueden enviar sus propuestas a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: iheuca@uca. edu. ar



IV Congreso Internacional de La SEMYR (1ª circular)




Barcelona, 5 al 8 de septiembre de 2012

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra

I Circular IV Congreso La SEMYR.pdf

Ficha Propuestas IV Congreso La SEMYR.doc

(fechas válidas modificadas: 5-7 de septiembre de 2008)

El Humanismo en la Corona de Aragón

L’humanisme a la Corona d’Aragó (en el context hispànic i europeu), eds. Júlia Butinyà y Antonio Cortijo,  Potomac (Maryland, EEUU): Scripta Humanistica Publishing International, 2011.

Autores de los capítulos: José Ramón Areces, Dominique de Courcelles, Antoni Ferrando, Ángel Gómez Moreno, Sònia Gros, Vicent Lledó, Vicent Martines, Roxana Recio.


Filología Románica Hoy

I Encuentro de jóvenes investigadores y doctores en
Filología, Lingüística y Literaturas Románicas y áreas afines
Actividad organizada y promovida por la
Revista de Filología Románica (ISSN 0212-999-X)

Nuestro encuentro LA FILOLOGÍA ROMÁNICA HOY tendrá lugar los días 3 y 4 de noviembre de 2011 en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Revista «Dialectologia»

Dialectologia (ISSN: 2013-2247) invites submissions of articles and notes,
reviews or summaries. Submissions will be accepted through November, 2011.

Dialectologia is an open access bi-annual publication of the University of Barcelona. Issues appear in January and July of each year.

Please, look also at the first special issue:

The journal wants to join the experiences of researchers working in
different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics,
methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies,
social dialectology, etc). It has four aims:

1. to provide dialectologists from all over the world with a forum for
the exchange of ideas and methods,
2. to create links between dialectology and more or less related
3. to study language variation from different points of view,
4. to bring dialectology up-to-date by incorporating new techniques and
modern theoretical approaches.

Dialectologia is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, that
complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
(FECYT). Each issue publishes 5/6 articles related to a specific subject. It
includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent

Submissions following the guidelines of the journal are requested via
e-mail. Guidelines for submissions are available at:

Ianua. Revista Philologica Romanica

Call Deadline: 06-Sep-2011

Ianua. Revista Philologica Romanica is a yearly electronic journal devoted to
the promotion of research works about Romance Philology and Linguistics. It
is an initiative of the Institute of Romance Studies Romania Minor.

Deadline calendar:

Any individual interested in sending us their collaborations can do so all over
the year to our address A copy of the paper must be
sent to electronic address of the journal in format LaTeX or RTF.

The deadline for the reception of collaborations will be 6th September of each
year. The acceptation of the articles will be communicated to the authors
within a period not longer than two months after they send their

Original contribution selection process and arbitration:

For any received contribution Ianua will appoint two external evaluator
readers, who will individually value the said contribution. In the event that one
of the reports is negative, a third reader will be appointed in order to decide
whether the contribution can be published or not.

If an article is accepted, Ianua will send the authors the reports written by the
readers in order to perform the necessary corrections. Since that moment,
the authors will have one calendar month to return their manuscript corrected.
In case the authors do not send any corrected version or disaffirms the
publication of the article in the given period, the editors of the journal will
publish the article according to the version valued by the readers, which does
not involve that the editors of Ianua cannot include the opportune typographic

Indexes, directories and data bases:

Catálogo Latindex, Dialnet, Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas
Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (CSIC y
ANECA), DOAJ, e-Revists (CiNDOC, CSIC), Intute: Arts and Humanities,
Linguistics Abstracts (Wiley Blackwell), RACO: Revistes Catalanes amb
Accés Obert, Recolecta, Sumarios ISOC – Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades