International Summer School 2011. 4 sociolinguistic tandems

Date: 06-Jun-2011 – 10-Jun-2011
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Contact: Lin Solvang
Contact Email:
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics

Meeting Description:

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS from The LANCHART Centre, University of
Copenhagen, :

The LANCHART Centre at the University of Copenhagen are accepting
applications for participation until March 10th 2011.

Application for participation
Please fill out the registration form at or send it to course
administrator Lin Solvang at
We accept applications from PhD students, i.e. graduate students who have
finished an MA and are working on a PhD project.  Participants should
include an abstract of their project of a maximum of 1 page. Information
about admittance will be sent out to applicants no later than April 1st, 2011.
Those accepted will also receive course material and detailed information
on the practicalities.

Course fee
Participation is free of charge once your application is accepted. The
LANCHART Centre will serve lunches and snacks during the 5 days course
and also two evening meals. The participants will have to cover all other
expenses themselves
– additional meals, lodging and travel costs.

Course certificate and credits
A course certificate will be issued, based on 80% active participation. How
many ECTS credits that will be awarded by completion of the course, will be
announced at by the end of January 2011.

A selection of works will be distributed to the participants upon acceptance.
Participants are expected to read these works before the course.

Read more and see updates at

[Fuente: Linguist List]

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