Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 41

Date: 05-May-2011 – 07-May-2011
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Contact Person: Eric Mathieu
Meeting Email:

Call Deadline: December 15, 2010
Main Session: All areas of Romance Linguistics
Plenary Speakers:
Yves Roberge (University of Toronto)
Tobias Scheer (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
Rena Torres Cacoullos (Penn State)

Parasession: The acquisition of Romance languages: theoretical and
experimental issues
Plenary speaker:
Johanne Paradis (University of Alberta)


Call For Papers

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations (plus 10 minutes for
discussion) on any aspect of Romance Linguistics for the main session.
Presentations for the parasession should focus on how experimental data
inform theoretical approaches and how theoretical issues are tested
experimentally. For this parasession we will be accepting papers on first
and second language acquisition in child and/or adult populations. Abstracts
should not exceed two pages in length (including data, references, etc.), in
12-point type. All margins should be at least one inch wide (2.5 cm).
Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author.

Abstracts should be submitted in PDF form via EasyAbs at the address
below (please specify in your abstract document whether your submission is
for the Main session or the Parasession):

Organizing committee:

Marie-Hélène Côté
Éric Mathieu
Shana Poplack

[FUENTE: The Linguist List]

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