Going romance

Full Title: Going Romance 2009

Date: 03-Dec-2009 – 05-Dec-2009
Location: Nice, France
Contact Person: Twan Geerts
Meeting Email: goingromance23@let.ru.nl

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Linguistic

Subject Language(s): French (fra)
Italian (ita)
Latin (lat)
Portuguese (por)
Romanian (ron)
Spanish (spa)

Language Family(ies): Romance

Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2009

Meeting Description:

Going Romance is the European conference series that focuses on Romance
languages from the perspective of current linguistic theorizing. In the two
decades of its existence, it has developed into the major European discussion
forum for theoretically relevant research on Romance languages where current
ideas about language in general and about Romance languages in particular are
discussed. This year, for the first time, the conference is really going Romance
and will be held in Nice, France. Organized by the Radboud University Nijmegen
and the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, it will take place in the Maison du
Séminaire, 3-5 December 2009.

This year’s invited speakers will be:

-Donca Steriade
-Luigi Rizzi
-Anne Zribi-Hertz

The conference lasts for three days, with two days for the general session.
Slots for invited speakers are 60 minutes (45+15), while slots for selected
speakers are 40 minutes (30+10). The conference includes a workshop on
Diachrony of the Romance Languages on December 5th.

Call for Papers

As every year, the third day of the conference is devoted to a special
workshop. This year, the workshop focuses on linguistic change in relation to
linguistic theory. We invite abstracts for 40 minute presentations (30 minute talk,
10 minute discussion).

In order to submit, please upload an anonymous abstract on the Going Romance
2009 page of Easy Abstracts (http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/goingromance09)
by the 1st of September 2009, indicating whether your abstract is intended for
the main session or the special workshop.  You will be notified of acceptance
by October 1st, 2009.

The conference will be held in the Maison du Séminaire (http://www.maison-
seminaire-nice.cote.azur.fr), where rooms have been reserved at a group rate
for Going Romance 2009.

(Fuente: The Linguist List)

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